Friday 22 May 2009

Monitoring Results. The Tanita Body Composition machine.

I thought I'd do a quick post tonight. I took the opportunity of getting my composition done at the gym today as I am sure that after reading a blog post by Joel Marion, that my scales at home arent really that accurate when it comes to the body fat gauge.

I did get it done on the 4th May when my fat reading was 19.4% whereas on my scales it was 23.8%. Quite a difference really. Anyway, I am pleased to say that on the TANITA it was down to 17.7% a drop of 1.7% and 4.2lb in 18 days. I've also looked at the fat free mass after deducting body water that is still 2st 9lb, as it was before so I am maintaining my muscle too.

All good news, and heading in the right direction.

I am really thinking that in 9 weeks time I will be down to about 14% body fat. That has got me thinking, do I need to bulk up a bit? I am reviewing my goals and the possibility of tinkering with the plan I started off with. I only have 1 week left on 2k8, so its now worth having a think of which TT program I will follow next. It seems pointless doing one of the mass building programs as there is no point chasing gaining muscle when I am eating on a fat loss program and diet.

I have also decided to purchase Vince Del Monte's No Nonsense Muscle Building, ready for when I finish the TT transformation. It really is a great e-book in terms of its factual content and goes into greater depth of factual information than Craig's programs do. The only thing is I have done calculations of my metabolic rate, and to bulk up I am going to need to consume 3500 to 4000 calories per day!!! That will be hard as I'm struggling to put 2500 cals in at the moment. I've just got so used to eating for fat loss now that it is going to be strange changing to the eating for mass plan!!!

I'm just going to mention a couple of workout related items. I did my chin-ups without assistance. Given I could only manage 5 max, but I am so glad I am giving it 100% and dumping the assistance which I dropped to 12kg in my non TT workout, and was in effect unassisted! I am going to work on them twice a week on off days, as it is one strength target that I must achieve by the end of this contest. Intervals were done on the bike today at 14 easy 16 hard.

For some reason I do seem to feel that the Friday workout on this program doesnt seem to be as intense as the rest of the week. I dont know. maybe its cos of the ball rollouts that I am using as a substitute for the ab wheel. This hasnt been my favourite routine out of the 3 I have done so far, but it will all be over this time next week.

Got a nice weekend worked out. going in first thing to do the "power lifting" well its not power lifting really its just me doing some supersets with as much intensity as possible. Following that with the swim intervals. In the evening, I'm going to do the body attack class.

I was contemplating whether or not to have an ESE day tomorrow, but given my progress this week I may not fast. I am going to have to fight the temptation for wine if not!!!

enjoy your weekend readers


  1. hi mate, sound's like you've got your weekend nicely planned out. Are you really doing weights on your off days? don't you get too tied and how does your body recover from all this work.

    Well done on the chinups, i am really looking forward to doing these unassisted.

  2. Thanks Chris. I didnt go in this morning. I woke up at 4:30 and was our awake for an hour. The alarm went off and I put it on snooze for about an hour and then I fell asleep and it was 9:00am!!!

    My shoulders are killing me from the chin ups so I am resting this morning. I think I will definitely fast from this afternoon til tomorrow lunchtime and enjoy the sunday roast!
